Saturday, 18 August 2007

Euro Bully Boys At Work

Chief Euro Nabob, Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso is clearly relying on Blair to sidestep any question of getting the wholehearted consent of the British people to whatever rehash of the moribund Euro Constitution which has twice been rejected (by the people of France and of The Netherlands) at the EU summit in Brussels on June 21-22 2007.

Bully Boy Barroso “warned” Britain “that it risks damaging its own interests if it blocks a deal on a revamped EU constitution”. Who is he to determine what are and what are not the interests of the people of the United Kingdom? What he really means is that there is a risk that the interests of the Brussels political elite and the Great Project will be damaged if Blair does not sign up.

"I have no doubt that this issue will not disappear unless it is solved." Barroso said. It is clear from that that the EU will get on our case and we and other refuseniks will be bullied until we say “yes” to whatever they demand. Blair is planning to sell us out at the end of this month in such a way that he binds incoming PM Gordon Brown’s hands and avoids, in his eyes, any need to seek the wholehearted consent of the British People to yet further surrender of vital areas of sovereignty.

Barroso and his Euro Bully chums Merkel et al. just don’t get it, do they? The British people want no more of their schemes to turn their fiefdom into a new Empire of European States and yet they keep on coming at us with a view to a quick mugging designed to relieve of what little national power we still possess, aided and abetted by closet Europhile Blair. Well, they may find that we will not play ball any more.

See the whole story here

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